This was the first in a string of products which have made Wipro considered one of India’s first desktop makers. Wipro Technologies employed managers who held their personnel to strict functionality standards. In 1980 Wipro moved into software advancement and commenced coming up custom designed software packages for his or her hardware customers. This multiplied their IT business and as a result constructed the primary Indian 8086 chip. Since 1992 Wipro has started to grow its root offshore in United States and by 2000 Wipro Ltd ADRs An American Depository Receipt were indexed on the New York Stock Exchange site. The company’s earnings grew by 450% from 2002 to 2007. Sarah realizes that she makes a couple of more dollars than Alison. She is automatically cause feeling overcompensated pondering she does most of an identical work Alison does and gets paid more. Sarah realizes that she needs to be accountable for a couple of more things than Alison so her inputs healthy her outputs. In the four a long time considering that John Stacey Adams pioneered the Equity Theory of motivation, an in depth quantity of research has been performed checking out the validity of this conception. Equity Theory has been used to test several forms of dyadic relationships like marriages, instructor/student and worker/service provider relationships. The analysis has proven components of the conception including the effects of over and beneath price equity, fairness sensitivity, and the behavioral and cognitive strategies of decreasing the dissonance caused by emotions of inequity.